Nov 22, 2011

Finally I had the confirmation for my placement!

So, after 5 weeks of wondering what I'll end up doing in we are:
I'll be working at the Integrated Disabled Women’s Association (IDIWA), an association for persons, especially women, with disabilities.  The organization has a cross section of activities supporting the rural poor. 
Apparently I'll get involved in most of the project areas like microfinance, project planning and management, and HIV/AIDS work. I'll be involved in building capacity for the staff to handle diverse issues in management of loans and microfinance in general including loan tracking, portfolios, budgeting, developing business plans, etc.  (should I warn them that my financial skills need...well...a bit of improvement?!Naaa, I'll be just fine, I'm sure :P )
I already had a look on their website and I virtually met the rest of the team! does that sound if not exciting and challenging??? :)
Oh I know it already...I won't sleep tonight...too much adrenalin!!


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