Rainy season has started. Not much rain up to now, but more cloudy and definitely cooler!
Last Sunday a new volunteer arrived: Anna. She'll stay a few weeks.
I have to say that being here made me realize how precious the access to health care is. Of course we all realize that, even though we often forget, but being here leaves you endlessy grateful for the health care we are provided with back home. As a woman I'm particular touched by maternal mortality during child birth: here is a gamble, and way too many times a gamble which women lose.
On a more cheerful note, two Saturdays ago me and Rosa decided to go to Jinga and it was a great day!
We had lunch at Flavours and for couple of hours we were far away from dust and beans (you would understand after more than a month eating them almost daily!!)
I had a moka and its taste reminded me of Oxford SO much.
I also saw my first (and second after few days) snake. No worries. Small one. After making sure that having baby snake didn't mean that mum snake was around (apparently they are not too keen on motherhood, which is great news to me!) and after having killed them, I regain my normal heart beat (after was in the backyard...but the other one was in my bedroom!!!)
I'm also enjoying interesting conversations with my colleague Robert.
As old as me and very smart, he was brought up as traditional Ugandan, so he can gives me the best insights about Ugandan culture. For example, did you know that the in laws (wife's side) are not allowed in the house? I know few people back home who would be happy to take up this tradition :)
We also went to a quiz night on Thursday where we were amongst all Mzungus (whites) and I met a girl from Oxford who lives almost next door to where I lived and, funniest of all, she works in Oxfam in the Oxfone team! We could almost be interchangable, if it wasn't that she is 10 years younger (yes I know...feeling old!!!)
That's it for now.
Hope you are all well.